Better Health Mobile App
Kim (Hannah) Bui
GDES-405: Experience Design
Better Health is a mobile app that designed to connect family members together and establish healthy lifestyles while providing access to cheaper and healthier produced food.
The app allows parents's devices connect with children's devices to create and track children's tasks everyday. Better Health offers users with the Mobile Market Farm. Mobile Markets are farm-stands-on-wheels that distribute local, sustainably produced food to underserved communities in the Washington, DC area.
The Mobile Market also offers buyers with the Bonus Bucks program, which double the purchase power of the buyers. In other words, the buyers will receive double the amount item that they paid for.
The app allows parents's devices connect with children's devices to create and track children's tasks everyday. Better Health offers users with the Mobile Market Farm. Mobile Markets are farm-stands-on-wheels that distribute local, sustainably produced food to underserved communities in the Washington, DC area.
The Mobile Market also offers buyers with the Bonus Bucks program, which double the purchase power of the buyers. In other words, the buyers will receive double the amount item that they paid for.