Alice Packard

Interactive Design, '17

Alice Packard is an interactive designer looking to go into front-end web development. She has a massive crush on print design and hopes to stay in DC after receiving her degree this May. She'd like to get to know all the creatives around town.


Cold Kit

Thinking back to our first year at college, our team remembered an obstacle that many freshmen face: catching a horrible cold and being hundreds of miles from the people who typically helped take care of you: your parents. Through interviews and surveys we found thatm any students don't plan ahead by buying over the counter treatments in advance, and getting those products after you've fallen ill can be a huge hassle. So, we created a system that makes getting those products as accessible as getting a bottle of Coke, and eliminated the intimidation factor of having to compare prices, brands, and scary Web M.D. recommendations.


Alice Packard
Zachary Schneider
Benjamin Fall


Mobile App


Despite having to take this project from ideation to finished piece within just three weeks time, it was one of the least stressful projects I had that semester. I always take advantage of opportunities to do lettering or illustrative work -- I feel I have the most control over the mood and character of a piece when I can incorporate illustrations.


Alice Packard



Queer Punk Rock Concert

If I could organize my ideal concert line up, it would include PWR BTTM, Chelsea on Fire, and Downtown Boys. All 3 bands are queer, loud, and have no qualms with gettng political in their lyrics, at their shows, or during interviews. This day dream evolved into a poster series that advertised these bands playing at a local DC music venue: the 9:30 club.


Alice Packard


Poster Series